I got in an debate with Sean today about good and evil... and the necessity of evil in this world, the contrast, to make the positive relevant & evident. There is so much evil in this world, and a lot of it we (as a whole) can't change. We can't take it away or fix it..... and I understand that. I feel the evil is the thing that highlights and pronounces the good. I have come to peace with the fact that there will always be things & people that we hope will change, but won't. Like drive-by shootings, rape, molestation, pedophilia, crime, liars, drug-abuse, road-rage, murders, hate, bigots, etc. They may coexist with us, but they do not by any means define us as a population. Those things and people make clear the ying & yang of the universe.
Point is, in my opinion, we will never be able to make this world or the people in it [including ourselves] perfect or resistant to hate & negatively, but with every positive thought we think and every positive action we fulfill, we make a difference. It doesn't take a lot. It ranges from easy things like opening a door for someone or not honking at the car in front of you when the light turns green to taking more of a "commitment" like donating to a nonprofit or volunteering your time.....
But when it all comes down to it.... the "cost" to make things better isn't unreasonable. Just thinking positively when you could do the opposite or telling the people you care about "I love you" whenever you can will make a difference.

This world will never be rid of bad, cruel or evil..... but with every breath we take, we
**I wrote this post because I know we, [I], need to be reminded of this. I watch the news and read the daily papers for my job. And, I feel so insanely pessimistic when I'm done. It's easy to truly believe there is no hope! I absolutely hate the quote "Sometimes I wonder... will God ever forgive us for what we've done to each other? Then I look around and I realize... God left this place a long time ago." That's bullshit! And saying that just gives you right to act like an asshole. Don't like getting into this... but God put us here knowing full well what could (and would) happen -- look at Adam and Eve. BUT, we are in control of our destinies, we are in control of our situations, happiness and fate.......
So act nobly, treat people how you would want to be treated, and love like it's your job.