Two of my friends, bloggers. One seasoned, one new, like me, have finally convinced me that perhaps there is something to an outward expression of self through writing. So here I am. Intending to be an open book - at least about what I think is even remotely interesting enough to share.

In addition to the quote, I've also dusted off my ol' (but oh, so loved) black macbook (how very Carrie Bradshaw of me.) Looks like Woody's words won't be the only thing getting breathed new life.
Tomorrow is the end to the Mayan's calendar and I admit I have Doomsday Preppers on the TV in the background. It is nothing less than terrifying to think the world could be over as we know it, however, over the last few months I have tried (and sometimes failed) to reflect on each day. I see importance in weighing the good against the bad, evaluating the mess ups & achievements, and overall taking a moment to contemplate how I can make tomorrow better, more successful, in even the smallest way. It doesn't always make me feel better, but, let's be honest - few things in this world work as planned 100% of the time.

If tomorrow results in the end of humanity, I won't have much to cry over, or regret. Perhaps never being to Paris, London, Moscow, Tokyo or Sydney. Perhaps feeling I didn't say "I love you" enough, even though I say it all the time. Even to strangers on the phone at work, on accident- by habit..... however, overall, I am set. I am content, fulfilled & complete. -- At least until I wake up in the morning. I have a duty tomorrow. I need to make it, I, better than today, yesterday and the day before.
Cheers to personal improvement, an open mind & never losing hope on tomorrow. Until then.....
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